Tutors in Solihull

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Eleanor J.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Solihull
Tutor for primary school/ KS3 children
| Hi! I’m Eleanor, I’m a year 13 student at Bishop Veseys Grammar School currently studying for my A Levels. I absolutely love teaching younger children- as an auntie to 5, I have grown up mentoring my nieces and nephews. I have recently volunteered in tutoring year 6 students at a primary school in Maths and English, and found this was a role really well suited for me! I’d love to be able to help you or your children learn, please contact me for any further details! :)
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Solihull
Tutor for primary school/ KS3 children
| Hi! I’m Eleanor, I’m a year 13 student at Bishop Veseys Grammar School currently studying for my A Levels. I absolutely love teaching younger children- as an auntie to 5, I have grown up mentoring my nieces and nephews. I have recently volunteered in tutoring year 6 students at a primary school in Maths and English, and found this was a role really well suited for me! I’d love to be able to help you or your children learn, please contact me for any further details! :)
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From £10 per hour \
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Tutors in Solihull

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