passionate caring holistic carer for autistic teenagers and young adults with challenging behaviour
What I do is special, I engage with the people I work for through arts and crafts, physical activities and play ect. I'm an accomplished chef, knowledgeable of health and nutrition able to care for the broad spectrum of human need.
Great result with teenage boys, encourageing good values whilst being the sort of person they can listen too. well trained in caring for autistic people and really dive into there world. everyone is different but with attention paid I can form a strong therapeutic relationship built on trust and mutual respect. Does your autistic teenager like music? I'll encourage it, ill help them find ways to express them selves and build confidence from overcoming challenges. The people I work for know I care, they know that it's not just a job for me and I can help people grow and devolpe as well as looking after basic needs. Its holistic support encompassing physical and psychological needs in a profound and far reaching way. I can encourage learning, promote artistic expression and personal devolpment, imparting living skills whilst navigating the complicated varying and unique veiw point of the person. if you want somone intelligent, active, skilled, artistic, competent, caring and dedicated then pick me
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