Pet Care in North Norfolk

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When do you need pet care?
Lauren C.
  • From £5
  • North Norfolk
Friendly and energetic helper who is happy to help where and when needed, large or small jobs.
| I am an animal lover, any shape, size or breed they all play an important part in our lives and we should provide the best care possible for them. I have always owned dogs from Labradors to Rottweilers and studied horse management at Easton College so I am very happy around all types of animals. I have moved away from my office job and would like to pursue a career with animals as my passion. I will endevour to look after your animals like my own and be respectful of your home at all times.
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  • From £5
  • North Norfolk
Friendly and energetic helper who is happy to help where and when needed, large or small jobs.
| I am an animal lover, any shape, size or breed they all play an important part in our lives and we should provide the best care possible for them. I have always owned dogs from Labradors to Rottweilers and studied horse management at Easton College so I am very happy around all types of animals. I have moved away from my office job and would like to pursue a career with animals as my passion. I will endevour to look after your animals like my own and be respectful of your home at all times.
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From £5 \
Chaska H.
  • From £5
  • North Norfolk
Reliable Pet Sitter / Walker. Lover of All Breeds and Sizes.
| I’m Chaska, I’m 21 years old and I’ve just graduated from university. I currently have 4 dogs and a cat and have had pets my entire life. I also have my own car so easy transport. I love to care for animals and am very experienced.
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  • From £5
  • North Norfolk
Reliable Pet Sitter / Walker. Lover of All Breeds and Sizes.
| I’m Chaska, I’m 21 years old and I’ve just graduated from university. I currently have 4 dogs and a cat and have had pets my entire life. I also have my own car so easy transport. I love to care for animals and am very experienced.
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From £5 \
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Pet Care in North Norfolk

When do you need pet care?