Pet Care in Kilmarnock North

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When do you need pet care?
Heather H.
  • From £10
  • Kilmarnock North
52 year old pet loving female.
| I am a caring , friendly, reliable person.I have had experience with owning,birds,dogs,cats from a young age. Currently own a beautiful small visla. Who I love to bits.
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  • From £10
  • Kilmarnock North
52 year old pet loving female.
| I am a caring , friendly, reliable person.I have had experience with owning,birds,dogs,cats from a young age. Currently own a beautiful small visla. Who I love to bits.
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From £10 \
Lyndsey P.
  • From £5
  • Kilmarnock North
Dedicated and compassionate.
| I own pet ducks and hens and growing up I had a pet dog. I am fascinated with animals.
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  • From £5
  • Kilmarnock North
Dedicated and compassionate.
| I own pet ducks and hens and growing up I had a pet dog. I am fascinated with animals.
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From £5 \
Courtney M.
  • From £5
  • Kilmarnock North
I love going long walks with dogs and feeding them and teaching them new tricks.
| I have a big family and we are all dog lovers and i love all dogs and cats i have been around animals all of my life and i like horse riding, reading and listening to music. I like working with amimals becaise i find it very therapeutic and animals make me happy.
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  • From £5
  • Kilmarnock North
I love going long walks with dogs and feeding them and teaching them new tricks.
| I have a big family and we are all dog lovers and i love all dogs and cats i have been around animals all of my life and i like horse riding, reading and listening to music. I like working with amimals becaise i find it very therapeutic and animals make me happy.
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From £5 \
Jennifer J.
  • From £12
  • Kilmarnock North
Pets = Unconditional Love
| From the age of 5yrs I have been surrounded by rescue cats. Over the years we had as many as 4 cats at one time. As soon as I had my own house I needed to have a pet to make it feel like home. I adopted Frank when he was 7. He only has 3 legs but it doesn’t stop him! His accident happened before we adopted him. He is now 10 & he demands love & will chat away. I then adopted Dexter at 12 weeks old. He had a traumatic first few weeks & this made him VERY nervous but after nearly a year of patience & going at his pace we have the most loving boy. I have been blessed to have grandparents who had dogs. We loved nothing more than going for long walks. My partners family also have dogs. My fur babies are my world & I understand how important these pets are in our lives. I would show & treat your pets the same as I do my own. I aim to be as flexible as possible. I currently volunteer a few hours a week at my local cancer care. AsI have cats I would not want to cause themselves or your pets stress by sitting in my home. However, I am happy to attend daytime or overnight sitting in your home.
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  • From £12
  • Kilmarnock North
Pets = Unconditional Love
| From the age of 5yrs I have been surrounded by rescue cats. Over the years we had as many as 4 cats at one time. As soon as I had my own house I needed to have a pet to make it feel like home. I adopted Frank when he was 7. He only has 3 legs but it doesn’t stop him! His accident happened before we adopted him. He is now 10 & he demands love & will chat away. I then adopted Dexter at 12 weeks old. He had a traumatic first few weeks & this made him VERY nervous but after nearly a year of patience & going at his pace we have the most loving boy. I have been blessed to have grandparents who had dogs. We loved nothing more than going for long walks. My partners family also have dogs. My fur babies are my world & I understand how important these pets are in our lives. I would show & treat your pets the same as I do my own. I aim to be as flexible as possible. I currently volunteer a few hours a week at my local cancer care. AsI have cats I would not want to cause themselves or your pets stress by sitting in my home. However, I am happy to attend daytime or overnight sitting in your home.
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From £12 \
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Pet Care in Kilmarnock North

When do you need pet care?