Dog Sitters in Baldock

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Jasmine L.
  • From £5
  • North Hertfordshire
20 year old female, has a car, 4 years experience with large breed dogs
| Hello, Im a 20 year old woman who loves dogs and want to spend my time with them. I have a level 1 diploma in Animal Care from the North Hertfordshire college. 2 years experience as a support worker for disabled adults and I have owned two large breed dogs in the past. I am used to taking care of friends dogs whilst they are away for a few days/weeks and love taking them for walks in the woods or around the fields near my home.
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  • From £5
  • North Hertfordshire
20 year old female, has a car, 4 years experience with large breed dogs
| Hello, Im a 20 year old woman who loves dogs and want to spend my time with them. I have a level 1 diploma in Animal Care from the North Hertfordshire college. 2 years experience as a support worker for disabled adults and I have owned two large breed dogs in the past. I am used to taking care of friends dogs whilst they are away for a few days/weeks and love taking them for walks in the woods or around the fields near my home.
... more
From £5 \
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Dog Sitters in Baldock

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