Pet Care in Vale of White Horse

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Emily D.
  • From £5
  • Vale of White Horse
Animal Carer and Walker
| I have always loved animals. I have experiences with horses, dogs, cats, small mammals etc. i have one dog at the moment and will be getting a puppy soon! I’m very caring and love spending time with animals. I have had to look after my past dog when he was ill, meaning that I can give medication very precisely. I am going to uni for a degree in zoology and if that doesn’t show how much I love animals, I don’t know what will.
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  • From £5
  • Vale of White Horse
Animal Carer and Walker
| I have always loved animals. I have experiences with horses, dogs, cats, small mammals etc. i have one dog at the moment and will be getting a puppy soon! I’m very caring and love spending time with animals. I have had to look after my past dog when he was ill, meaning that I can give medication very precisely. I am going to uni for a degree in zoology and if that doesn’t show how much I love animals, I don’t know what will.
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From £5 \
Meg I.
  • From £5
  • Vale of White Horse
Caring loving and understanding of cats and dogs
| I am very good with all dogs and cats I have grown up with them all my life so I know how to act and take care of them, I have 5 cats with all different personalities and 1 dog who is very quirky!
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  • From £5
  • Vale of White Horse
Caring loving and understanding of cats and dogs
| I am very good with all dogs and cats I have grown up with them all my life so I know how to act and take care of them, I have 5 cats with all different personalities and 1 dog who is very quirky!
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From £5 \
Erika Ș.
1 Verification
  • From £5
  • Vale of White Horse
1 Verification
Student looking to pet care
| In past I did not work with pets,but I have a 6 years old dog and I fully take care of him.I do know all their needs and I do a really good job.
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  • From £5
  • Vale of White Horse
Student looking to pet care
| In past I did not work with pets,but I have a 6 years old dog and I fully take care of him.I do know all their needs and I do a really good job.
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From £5 \
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Pet Care in Vale of White Horse

When do you need pet care?