Pet Care in Henley-on-Thames

Find sitters, walkers or groomers for dogs, cats & more - select from 4,426 pet sitters near you.

When do you need pet care?
Zoe N.
  • From £5
  • South Oxfordshire
Reliable, super friendly and fun!
| Hello! I’m Zoë and I love Dogs. I live on a Narrowboat in Henley on Thames and love to be out and about walking Canine friends.
... more
  • From £5
  • South Oxfordshire
Reliable, super friendly and fun!
| Hello! I’m Zoë and I love Dogs. I live on a Narrowboat in Henley on Thames and love to be out and about walking Canine friends.
... more
From £5 \
Megan S.
  • From £5
  • South Oxfordshire
Dog or cat sitter and walker
| Hi there, I’ve grown up with fur babies around me at all times. I’m responsible, energetic and enthusiastic about caring for animals and understand that each one has their own different needs!
... more
  • From £5
  • South Oxfordshire
Dog or cat sitter and walker
| Hi there, I’ve grown up with fur babies around me at all times. I’m responsible, energetic and enthusiastic about caring for animals and understand that each one has their own different needs!
... more
From £5 \
Georgie B.
  • From £5
  • South Oxfordshire
I’m a 22 year old student who absolutely adores animals. Any animal, no limit!
| I’m bubbly, adaptable and skilled to look after any animal, big or small! I can do any job from walk your dog, feed your cat, keep your animal company or hack out your horse. Please be in touch for more info, references, CV or general chat!
... more
  • From £5
  • South Oxfordshire
I’m a 22 year old student who absolutely adores animals. Any animal, no limit!
| I’m bubbly, adaptable and skilled to look after any animal, big or small! I can do any job from walk your dog, feed your cat, keep your animal company or hack out your horse. Please be in touch for more info, references, CV or general chat!
... more
From £5 \
Grace M.
1 Verification
  • From £8
  • South Oxfordshire
1 Verification
The Pet Companion
| Hi! I am Grace and I have recently moved to Henley. I have worked in veterinary and animal care since I was 18 and have a huge passion to make sure all animals big, small, scaley or feathered have the best care at all times. So if your going on holiday and need someone to look after your pets I am the person for you! I will always meet you before you go away to learn all there is to know about your beloved pet to ensure they have the best time that they can whilst you are away. I also provide a dog walking service. I am experienced with all sizes of dogs and also with dogs that have more unique needs for example reactive dogs, puppy's that need socialising and dogs that pull and need a little more training. All of these things will be discussed before our first walk so you are comfortable with me before our first walk. I have a Veterinary Care Assistant qualification which includes Animal first aid and I also have a diploma in animal care and husbandry.
... more
  • From £8
  • South Oxfordshire
The Pet Companion
| Hi! I am Grace and I have recently moved to Henley. I have worked in veterinary and animal care since I was 18 and have a huge passion to make sure all animals big, small, scaley or feathered have the best care at all times. So if your going on holiday and need someone to look after your pets I am the person for you! I will always meet you before you go away to learn all there is to know about your beloved pet to ensure they have the best time that they can whilst you are away. I also provide a dog walking service. I am experienced with all sizes of dogs and also with dogs that have more unique needs for example reactive dogs, puppy's that need socialising and dogs that pull and need a little more training. All of these things will be discussed before our first walk so you are comfortable with me before our first walk. I have a Veterinary Care Assistant qualification which includes Animal first aid and I also have a diploma in animal care and husbandry.
... more
From £8 \
Michela V.
  • From £5
  • South Oxfordshire
I am an animal lover
| I am sweet , patient and passionate individual about animals I have grown up in Italy in the middle of the countryside surrounded by any pieces of wild animals and also my family pets ( rabbits, cats, dogs and horses) as a part of the family .
... more
  • From £5
  • South Oxfordshire
I am an animal lover
| I am sweet , patient and passionate individual about animals I have grown up in Italy in the middle of the countryside surrounded by any pieces of wild animals and also my family pets ( rabbits, cats, dogs and horses) as a part of the family .
... more
From £5 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet carers in Henley-on-Thames is between £9 and £11
Honor J.
  • From £5
  • South Oxfordshire
Pet sitter / Babysitter / Dog Walker
| I'm currently an MSci undergraduate student home for summer and looking for work. Happy to look after children, I can prepare meals, babysit, act as a tutor etc. I have experience being a mentor for children at my sixth form, Reading Blue Coat School. I'm good with animals, have cats and chickens of my own, experience in stables and experience pet sitting for bearded dragons and tortoises. Good at following instructions and reliable.
... more
  • From £5
  • South Oxfordshire
Pet sitter / Babysitter / Dog Walker
| I'm currently an MSci undergraduate student home for summer and looking for work. Happy to look after children, I can prepare meals, babysit, act as a tutor etc. I have experience being a mentor for children at my sixth form, Reading Blue Coat School. I'm good with animals, have cats and chickens of my own, experience in stables and experience pet sitting for bearded dragons and tortoises. Good at following instructions and reliable.
... more
From £5 \
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FAQs for finding pet care in Henley-on-Thames

In 2024, how much does it cost to hire a pet care provider in Henley-on-Thames?

The average cost to hire a pet care provider on is £10.00 per hour as of December 2024. This rate will vary depending on the service you need, the number of pets you have, and how often you need care for your pet. Some pet care providers will charge a daily rate if they will be caring for your pet for multiple days at a time.

How can I find a pet care provider near me in Henley-on-Thames?

There are 4,426 pet care providers in Henley-on-Thames, offering a variety of services. You can compare your search results by the type of care you need for your pet. From there, you can identify the pet care providers with the most experience and positive feedback from previous pet parents they have worked with. You can also filter providers by distance from Henley-on-Thames or your postcode. Once you have narrowed down your list of candidates, you can contact them individually to get a sense of who will get along with your pet the best.

What types of pet care services can I find in Henley-on-Thames?

If you are looking for pet care, has a variety of pet care services in Henley-on-Thames such as dog walkers, pet sitters, and dog trainers that can provide the care you need for your pet. Some pet care providers even have medical backgrounds so they can provide specialized care if you need it. You just need to determine whether you want someone to come to your home to take care of your pet or if you want to take them to another home or facility around Henley-on-Thames for the day. From there, it's easier to narrow down the type of pet care services that will work best for you and your pet.
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Pet Care in Henley-on-Thames

When do you need pet care?