Childcare in Ashford

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Vikki G.
1 Verification
  • From £18 /hr
  • Ashford
1 Verification
Outdoor loving Nanny ready to help a new family
| I am a Level 4 qualified Nanny with extensive experience in childcare. I have been a Nanny for the past 15 years. I love spending time outside, planning exciting days out and activities, cooking, crafting and generally making sure the children are having fun, while supporting their learning and development. I love nothing more than watching the children I'm caring for develop a new skill, and work closely with parents to ensure I am echoing their parenting style. I am a fun, caring and dedicated Nanny (previously OFSTED registered). I pride myself on staying up to date with new research studies to make sure I’m always providing the best care and education possible.
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  • From £18 /hr
  • Ashford
Outdoor loving Nanny ready to help a new family
| I am a Level 4 qualified Nanny with extensive experience in childcare. I have been a Nanny for the past 15 years. I love spending time outside, planning exciting days out and activities, cooking, crafting and generally making sure the children are having fun, while supporting their learning and development. I love nothing more than watching the children I'm caring for develop a new skill, and work closely with parents to ensure I am echoing their parenting style. I am a fun, caring and dedicated Nanny (previously OFSTED registered). I pride myself on staying up to date with new research studies to make sure I’m always providing the best care and education possible.
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From £18 per hour \
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Childcare in Ashford

When do you need childcare?