Childcare in West Lancashire

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Courtney A.
  • From £10 /hr
  • West Lancashire
Reliable child carer
| I have taught children ranging from 4-18 how to dance from the ages of 13-18 and have very clear communication skills. I can ensure that your children are well looked after and gain key skills. I am academic and so would be able to help with homework and such. I don’t have much experience in childcare but I would love for my career to progress.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • West Lancashire
Reliable child carer
| I have taught children ranging from 4-18 how to dance from the ages of 13-18 and have very clear communication skills. I can ensure that your children are well looked after and gain key skills. I am academic and so would be able to help with homework and such. I don’t have much experience in childcare but I would love for my career to progress.
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From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in West Lancashire

When do you need childcare?