Childcare in St. Helens

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Fay M.
  • From £15 /hr
  • St. Helens
Flexible Babysitter / Childminder
| Hello, my name is Fay and I am 27 years of age. I have been in the childcare industry for around 10 years and I hold a Level 6 childcare degree. Additionally I am level 3 SENCO trained and hold relevant first aid and food hygiene qualifications. I’m kind, caring and social. Please send me a message if you feel you are interested in having me fulfil your position. Many thanks Fay!
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  • From £15 /hr
  • St. Helens
Flexible Babysitter / Childminder
| Hello, my name is Fay and I am 27 years of age. I have been in the childcare industry for around 10 years and I hold a Level 6 childcare degree. Additionally I am level 3 SENCO trained and hold relevant first aid and food hygiene qualifications. I’m kind, caring and social. Please send me a message if you feel you are interested in having me fulfil your position. Many thanks Fay!
... more
From £15 per hour \
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Childcare in St. Helens

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