Childcare in Wirral

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Megan J.
1 Verification
  • From £13 /hr
  • Wirral
1 Verification
Hi my names Meg, I am looking for a nanny job.
| My name is Meg and I’m 26. I have always enjoyed looking after children from a young age! I am an honest, kind, caring and friendly person who is a trustworthy and reliable worker. I have a great range of experience working with children. I have worked in childcare for 8 years, with children aged 0-11. First in a nursery and preschool. Then working as a deputy manager in a breakfast and after school club, as-well as working in a holiday club during the school holidays. When working in Pre-school I gained experience working 1:1 for a child with additional needs. I then worked as a full time Nanny for 3 years. I am now working as a teaching assistant. I have lots of experience babysitting too. I have completed my Level 3 Early Years Education Qualification, as well as additional training courses.
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  • From £13 /hr
  • Wirral
Hi my names Meg, I am looking for a nanny job.
| My name is Meg and I’m 26. I have always enjoyed looking after children from a young age! I am an honest, kind, caring and friendly person who is a trustworthy and reliable worker. I have a great range of experience working with children. I have worked in childcare for 8 years, with children aged 0-11. First in a nursery and preschool. Then working as a deputy manager in a breakfast and after school club, as-well as working in a holiday club during the school holidays. When working in Pre-school I gained experience working 1:1 for a child with additional needs. I then worked as a full time Nanny for 3 years. I am now working as a teaching assistant. I have lots of experience babysitting too. I have completed my Level 3 Early Years Education Qualification, as well as additional training courses.
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From £13 per hour \
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Childcare in Wirral

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