Childcare in Baglan

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Lauren C.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Baglan
Mobile child carer
| Hi, I'm Lauren, I've been born and brought up in Baglan and live with my husband and two children, a little girl and little boy. I am in the process of completing my childminder qualification. I have significant child care experience having worked in schools and nurseries in various settings from Cowbridge to Swansea. Currently I am based in a Swansea nursery on a part time basis. I some limited experience in caring for children with special needs but no specific qualifications, my experience is limited to autism.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Baglan
Mobile child carer
| Hi, I'm Lauren, I've been born and brought up in Baglan and live with my husband and two children, a little girl and little boy. I am in the process of completing my childminder qualification. I have significant child care experience having worked in schools and nurseries in various settings from Cowbridge to Swansea. Currently I am based in a Swansea nursery on a part time basis. I some limited experience in caring for children with special needs but no specific qualifications, my experience is limited to autism.
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From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Baglan

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