Childcare in Aberavon

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Chloe J.
1 Verification
  • From £8 /hr
  • Aberavon
1 Verification
Chloe, 20. Fun, friendly, caring and helpful.
| I am 20 years of age. I have had a years experience working with children in a primary school as a teaching assistant. I love working with children and helping them as and when needed. I am very friendly, fun and caring. I am always willing to help. I had the grade A in my overall childcare. I had taken a little break from childcare and i worked as a community carer for 9 months, I have experience with mental health and disabilities and I have done my first aid course. I would love to go back into childcare and hopefully go further in the future. Thanks for taking the time to read.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Aberavon
Chloe, 20. Fun, friendly, caring and helpful.
| I am 20 years of age. I have had a years experience working with children in a primary school as a teaching assistant. I love working with children and helping them as and when needed. I am very friendly, fun and caring. I am always willing to help. I had the grade A in my overall childcare. I had taken a little break from childcare and i worked as a community carer for 9 months, I have experience with mental health and disabilities and I have done my first aid course. I would love to go back into childcare and hopefully go further in the future. Thanks for taking the time to read.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in Aberavon

When do you need childcare?