Childcare in Cornerswell

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Luz B.
  • From £8 /hr
  • Cornerswell
Need a Child-minder?
| Hi, my name is Luz and I would like to be your childminder. I'm a Spanish girl who lives in Cardiff, a energetic, friendly and competent girl with a calm attitude and a track record of providing a quality childcare service to families and their children. I have a bachelor's degree in education and I'm looking to work taking responsibility for the safety and development of their children. A confident child carer who is emotionally mature and possess high energy levels and an ability to develop close relationships with children. Can teach drawing, painting and Spanish. Kinds regards!
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Cornerswell
Need a Child-minder?
| Hi, my name is Luz and I would like to be your childminder. I'm a Spanish girl who lives in Cardiff, a energetic, friendly and competent girl with a calm attitude and a track record of providing a quality childcare service to families and their children. I have a bachelor's degree in education and I'm looking to work taking responsibility for the safety and development of their children. A confident child carer who is emotionally mature and possess high energy levels and an ability to develop close relationships with children. Can teach drawing, painting and Spanish. Kinds regards!
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From £8 per hour \
Tori F.
1 Verification
  • From £10 /hr
  • Cornerswell
1 Verification
After school and weekend nanny
| I am going back to college part-time in September, so I am looking for some temporary work during June, July and August. I will find out my college timetable in August, so I will then be looking for something longer term that is flexible enough to fit around that. I am registered with CIW until 17th June, but, due to recent changes in Welsh legislation, I am unable to renew my registration when it runs out, so will not be able to accept childcare vouchers or be part of the government tax-free childcare scheme after this date.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Cornerswell
After school and weekend nanny
| I am going back to college part-time in September, so I am looking for some temporary work during June, July and August. I will find out my college timetable in August, so I will then be looking for something longer term that is flexible enough to fit around that. I am registered with CIW until 17th June, but, due to recent changes in Welsh legislation, I am unable to renew my registration when it runs out, so will not be able to accept childcare vouchers or be part of the government tax-free childcare scheme after this date.
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From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Cornerswell

When do you need childcare?