Childcare in Motherwell West

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Stephanie M.
1 Verification
  • From £9 /hr
  • Motherwell West
1 Verification
Law graduate with 7 years experience babysitting and able to be flexible.
| I have just recently graduated with an LLB Honours degree in Law and Diploma in Legal Practice from the University and I am looking for work before starting a training contract at the end of 2020. I have various experience in childcare including babysitting a child from newborn till now, he is turning 7 years old. Over the years I have watched him overnight as well as hours during the day. I have worked at a summer camp for two years now and gained experience working with children from 3 years old to 16 during this time. My first year I was a counsellor and was living in cabin with the children for the summer. This past year I worked as a unit head which meant I was in charge of a group of around 30 children and their counsellors. I have also life guarded for the past two years and over the last year I have been overseeing children’s swimming lessons. I also have a car and have had my license for 5 years. If you have any other questions regarding my experience or skills
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Motherwell West
Law graduate with 7 years experience babysitting and able to be flexible.
| I have just recently graduated with an LLB Honours degree in Law and Diploma in Legal Practice from the University and I am looking for work before starting a training contract at the end of 2020. I have various experience in childcare including babysitting a child from newborn till now, he is turning 7 years old. Over the years I have watched him overnight as well as hours during the day. I have worked at a summer camp for two years now and gained experience working with children from 3 years old to 16 during this time. My first year I was a counsellor and was living in cabin with the children for the summer. This past year I worked as a unit head which meant I was in charge of a group of around 30 children and their counsellors. I have also life guarded for the past two years and over the last year I have been overseeing children’s swimming lessons. I also have a car and have had my license for 5 years. If you have any other questions regarding my experience or skills
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From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Motherwell West

When do you need childcare?