Childcare in Hamilton West and Earnock

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Tyler G.
1 Verification
  • From £15 /hr
  • Hamilton West and Earnock
1 Verification
Bubbly and caring
| Over the past few years, I have gained the skills necessary to further my career in childcare. Working as a Nanny has also been part of my journey and one, I have loved and enjoyed. I also have experience working as a nanny for multiple families, it is very rewarding job and I feel honoured to be trusted by the families I have worked for to provide care for their children. I have the personal qualities required to be successful in this role. I am self-motivated and focused and have a positive enthusiastic attitude. I am energetic with the ability to pick up new skills. I interact very well with new people. I am versatile and adaptable to new surroundings and understand that adopting a career focused attitude is essential in the role of a nanny. I have effective communication and listening skills. It is important to me to keep children’s comfort and safety as a high priority. Therefore, I fully understanding health and safety procedures should always be an important part of this position.
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  • From £15 /hr
  • Hamilton West and Earnock
Bubbly and caring
| Over the past few years, I have gained the skills necessary to further my career in childcare. Working as a Nanny has also been part of my journey and one, I have loved and enjoyed. I also have experience working as a nanny for multiple families, it is very rewarding job and I feel honoured to be trusted by the families I have worked for to provide care for their children. I have the personal qualities required to be successful in this role. I am self-motivated and focused and have a positive enthusiastic attitude. I am energetic with the ability to pick up new skills. I interact very well with new people. I am versatile and adaptable to new surroundings and understand that adopting a career focused attitude is essential in the role of a nanny. I have effective communication and listening skills. It is important to me to keep children’s comfort and safety as a high priority. Therefore, I fully understanding health and safety procedures should always be an important part of this position.
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From £15 per hour \
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Childcare in Hamilton West and Earnock

When do you need childcare?