Childcare in Mid Devon

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Jennifer H.
  • From £14 /hr
  • Mid Devon
Nanny - Professional puddle jumper, outdoorsy, creative and fun
| Hi, im a 36 year old friendly, very patient, outdoor loving nanny with 16 years childcare experience (mainly as a Nanny). I am currently on maternity leave but looking to return to work in July 2023 when my daughter will be nearly one. We currently enjoy, playgroups, singing, swimming, soft play, parks, walks, painting, coloring, going to the garden centre to see the fish, meeting with friends and family, using the bubble machine in the garden, getting outside in the garden looking at plants and the sunset, sensory play and generally playing and being silly together. As a nanny I love getting out and about especially in the fresh air, even if it’s raining nothing beats a good old puddle splashing walk in waterproofs and wellies! At the moment I’m available Monday to Friday from July 2023. I have lots of lovely written references from my previous Nanny families throughout the years
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  • From £14 /hr
  • Mid Devon
Nanny - Professional puddle jumper, outdoorsy, creative and fun
| Hi, im a 36 year old friendly, very patient, outdoor loving nanny with 16 years childcare experience (mainly as a Nanny). I am currently on maternity leave but looking to return to work in July 2023 when my daughter will be nearly one. We currently enjoy, playgroups, singing, swimming, soft play, parks, walks, painting, coloring, going to the garden centre to see the fish, meeting with friends and family, using the bubble machine in the garden, getting outside in the garden looking at plants and the sunset, sensory play and generally playing and being silly together. As a nanny I love getting out and about especially in the fresh air, even if it’s raining nothing beats a good old puddle splashing walk in waterproofs and wellies! At the moment I’m available Monday to Friday from July 2023. I have lots of lovely written references from my previous Nanny families throughout the years
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From £14 per hour \
Keriann D.
1 Verification
  • From £9 /hr
  • Mid Devon
1 Verification
Experienced Child Career
| I have worked in child care for almost 6 years now and have experience with ages ranging from 8 weeks to five years old. I often do babysitting and used to volunteer for the Brownies.
... more
  • From £9 /hr
  • Mid Devon
Experienced Child Career
| I have worked in child care for almost 6 years now and have experience with ages ranging from 8 weeks to five years old. I often do babysitting and used to volunteer for the Brownies.
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From £9 per hour \
Alice N.
1 Verification
  • From £12 /hr
  • Mid Devon
1 Verification
Part time nanny
| I have many years of childcare experience with children from Newborn up to teenagers. References available. In my last job I was a nanny for 3 little girls ( one of which was born whilst I was there) for 2.5 years. I was responsible for all aspects of their care and would do lots of activities with them like arts and crafts, baking, trips out to parks, attending local toddler groups etc. I always cooked them healthy meals and would do their bath/bedtime routine most evenings. I have attended infant and child first aid courses and did an NVQ level 2 in childcare
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  • From £12 /hr
  • Mid Devon
Part time nanny
| I have many years of childcare experience with children from Newborn up to teenagers. References available. In my last job I was a nanny for 3 little girls ( one of which was born whilst I was there) for 2.5 years. I was responsible for all aspects of their care and would do lots of activities with them like arts and crafts, baking, trips out to parks, attending local toddler groups etc. I always cooked them healthy meals and would do their bath/bedtime routine most evenings. I have attended infant and child first aid courses and did an NVQ level 2 in childcare
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From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in Mid Devon

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