Childminders in Woodford Green

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Lisa J.
  • From £8 /hr
  • Redbridge
I can provide references
| I am a mother of 4 and have been an Ofsted registered childminder since 2011 . I have cared for children of all ages over the years . The children I have minded have stayed in my care for many years until they were old enough to go up to high school and no longer required childcare .
... more
  • From £8 /hr
  • Redbridge
I can provide references
| I am a mother of 4 and have been an Ofsted registered childminder since 2011 . I have cared for children of all ages over the years . The children I have minded have stayed in my care for many years until they were old enough to go up to high school and no longer required childcare .
... more
From £8 per hour \
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Childminders in Woodford Green

When do you need childcare?