Childminders in Hornchurch

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Sumru K.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Havering
The Ideal Child Minder
| My name is Sumru I am 46 years old. Mother of two well raised boys for many years I have worked cash in hand with many different families of all ranges and cultures looking after their children. I enjoy being active and love to go out for walks and meet new people learning new experiences and lifestyles. I am warm, friendly and approachable and take pride in everything that I do, making sure that everyone me is always happy and uplifted. I put these qualities towards my personal and work life.
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  • From £12 /hr
  • Havering
The Ideal Child Minder
| My name is Sumru I am 46 years old. Mother of two well raised boys for many years I have worked cash in hand with many different families of all ranges and cultures looking after their children. I enjoy being active and love to go out for walks and meet new people learning new experiences and lifestyles. I am warm, friendly and approachable and take pride in everything that I do, making sure that everyone me is always happy and uplifted. I put these qualities towards my personal and work life.
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From £12 per hour \
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Childminders in Hornchurch

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