Childminders in Windsor

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Tracy C.
  • From £8 /hr
  • Windsor and Maidenhead
| I was a childminder when my children were younger. I then went to work for a global toy company working on their kids club magazine where I stayed for 14 years. I have completed my level 3 HBCA Home based childcare award and I am registered with Ofsted as a childminder on the Early Years Register, the compulsory part of the Childcare Register and the Voluntary part of the Childcare Register. I am passionate about good quality childcare. As a mother myself, I know how important it is to provide the right care for your child while you are working.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Windsor and Maidenhead
| I was a childminder when my children were younger. I then went to work for a global toy company working on their kids club magazine where I stayed for 14 years. I have completed my level 3 HBCA Home based childcare award and I am registered with Ofsted as a childminder on the Early Years Register, the compulsory part of the Childcare Register and the Voluntary part of the Childcare Register. I am passionate about good quality childcare. As a mother myself, I know how important it is to provide the right care for your child while you are working.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childminders in Windsor

When do you need childcare?