Childminders in Gerrards Cross

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Catrina T.
  • From £11 /hr
  • South Bucks
Nanny position required.
| I have had the privilege of being a Au-pair in my youth and have managed to maintain relations with the family that I was an Au-pair to, today the girl is 28 years of age. Both my children are adults over the age of 21 thus allowing me to enjoy a flexible domestic situation without any restrictions. Being a childminder can present itself as a rigorous and at times demanding, however I consider myself to be versatile and charismatic individual. I'm friendly, reliable, nurturing, confident, well mannered, enthusiastic, calm, presentable, hard working and supportive.
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  • From £11 /hr
  • South Bucks
Nanny position required.
| I have had the privilege of being a Au-pair in my youth and have managed to maintain relations with the family that I was an Au-pair to, today the girl is 28 years of age. Both my children are adults over the age of 21 thus allowing me to enjoy a flexible domestic situation without any restrictions. Being a childminder can present itself as a rigorous and at times demanding, however I consider myself to be versatile and charismatic individual. I'm friendly, reliable, nurturing, confident, well mannered, enthusiastic, calm, presentable, hard working and supportive.
... more
From £11 per hour \
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Childminders in Gerrards Cross

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