Childminders in Bonnybridge

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Mandy C.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Denny and Banknock
Warm and caring atmosphere with lots of toys and activies with an inclosed garden to explore.
| I am a registered Childminder in Bonnybridge and a mother to two young boys, one of whom attends Bonnybridge primary school. I can do drop offs and pick ups from Bonnybridge primary school and nursery. Alternatively I can look after younger children who do not attend any nursery in term time. If you are interested in my services contact me, I charge £4 per child per hour. I do different topics each week and activities relative to seasonal traditions.
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Denny and Banknock
Warm and caring atmosphere with lots of toys and activies with an inclosed garden to explore.
| I am a registered Childminder in Bonnybridge and a mother to two young boys, one of whom attends Bonnybridge primary school. I can do drop offs and pick ups from Bonnybridge primary school and nursery. Alternatively I can look after younger children who do not attend any nursery in term time. If you are interested in my services contact me, I charge £4 per child per hour. I do different topics each week and activities relative to seasonal traditions.
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From £9 per hour \
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Childminders in Bonnybridge

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