Babysitters in Bonnybridge

Find a range of local babysitters for any occasion - select from 3,805 babysitters near you.

When do you need childcare?
Michaela W.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Bonnybridge and Larbert
Nursery teacher
| I am a qualifed nursery teacher. I am 24 years old based in Denny. I do not drive. I am a friendly polite and a realible young lady so loves caring for children.
... more
  • From £12 /hr
  • Bonnybridge and Larbert
Nursery teacher
| I am a qualifed nursery teacher. I am 24 years old based in Denny. I do not drive. I am a friendly polite and a realible young lady so loves caring for children.
... more
From £12 per hour \
Ann-Marie S.
1 Verification
  • From £10 /hr
  • Bonnybridge and Larbert
1 Verification
I am passionate about helping children to learn, to grow and to achieve their full potential.
| I am a qualified Primary Teacher, with vast teaching experience in Primary Education, Gaelic Education, Nursery Education and also experience in ASN. I can offer both childcare services & tutoring services. I am very flexible and adaptable and I would offer services to suit each families’ needs. I am a mature professional with a patient, caring and nurturing nature. I have my own 2 children who are now 14 and 22 years of age and I now feel the time is right to begin my own small childcare / support / tutoring business. Availability would be evenings, weekends and school holidays.
... more
  • From £10 /hr
  • Bonnybridge and Larbert
I am passionate about helping children to learn, to grow and to achieve their full potential.
| I am a qualified Primary Teacher, with vast teaching experience in Primary Education, Gaelic Education, Nursery Education and also experience in ASN. I can offer both childcare services & tutoring services. I am very flexible and adaptable and I would offer services to suit each families’ needs. I am a mature professional with a patient, caring and nurturing nature. I have my own 2 children who are now 14 and 22 years of age and I now feel the time is right to begin my own small childcare / support / tutoring business. Availability would be evenings, weekends and school holidays.
... more
From £10 per hour \
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FAQs for finding a babysitter in Bonnybridge

What is the 2024 average babysitting rate in Bonnybridge?

The average rate for a local babysitter in Bonnybridge is £11.78 per hour as of December 2024 according to's data. This rate can change depending on the specific needs of your family such as the number of children to be cared for or if you require any specialised care.

How do I best find local babysitters near me in Bonnybridge?

To start your search on, review the babysitters' profiles in Bonnybridge filtering by distance from your postcode. There are currently 3,805 babysitters near Bonnybridge, although you can expand the radius of your search if you'd like to increase your options. Compare candidates by reading about their babysitting experience, services offered, and reviews from other parents.

What type of babysitting services, skills and experience can I find in Bonnybridge? has babysitters in Bonnybridge for a wide variety of needs such as after-school care, date night babysitting, newborn or infant care, overnight care, special needs care, and more. You can search for full-time or part-time babysitters in Bonnybridge with different levels of experience and find the one that fits your family's needs.
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Babysitters in Bonnybridge

When do you need childcare?