Childcare in Lisvane

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Sian H.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Lisvane
19 years of age, smiley bubbly individual, live in lisvane.
| I am a uni student who is studying early years education and live in Lisvane looking for a baby sitting job, or child care, I am very friendly and a bubbly happy individual, I have done work experience in primary schools, this has now influenced me to want to go on and look for a care and baby sitting job, I am 21 years of a age, non smoker, very comfortable with pets:) I receive 10 a*-b GCSE's and 3 B's at Level. more than happy to help with homework. I drive and have done so for over a year now, so can transport. i am also DBS checked. I have previously working in Llanishen fach and Llysfaen primary
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  • From £9 /hr
  • Lisvane
19 years of age, smiley bubbly individual, live in lisvane.
| I am a uni student who is studying early years education and live in Lisvane looking for a baby sitting job, or child care, I am very friendly and a bubbly happy individual, I have done work experience in primary schools, this has now influenced me to want to go on and look for a care and baby sitting job, I am 21 years of a age, non smoker, very comfortable with pets:) I receive 10 a*-b GCSE's and 3 B's at Level. more than happy to help with homework. I drive and have done so for over a year now, so can transport. i am also DBS checked. I have previously working in Llanishen fach and Llysfaen primary
... more
From £9 per hour \
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Childcare in Lisvane

When do you need childcare?