Childcare in Butetown

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Jessica P.
1 Verification
  • From £8 /hr
  • Butetown
1 Verification
Friendly, 3 years of experience, first aid training
| Hi :) I'm Jessica, 27 years old and I'm very friendly, fun and patient. I'm originally from Brazil and I spent the past 3 years living in Berlin, where I worked for 3 years with children. I worked for a childcare agency and private families. I also worked in a co working focused on parents with a childcare onsite where I had to look after an average of 3 kids at a time (from 2 months to 9 years old). I'm currently working on a part time basis in a jewellery store but I really miss having kids around so I'd love to work a few hours as a babysitter whenever is possible. I have a first aid training and I can provide references of my previous jobs.
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Butetown
Friendly, 3 years of experience, first aid training
| Hi :) I'm Jessica, 27 years old and I'm very friendly, fun and patient. I'm originally from Brazil and I spent the past 3 years living in Berlin, where I worked for 3 years with children. I worked for a childcare agency and private families. I also worked in a co working focused on parents with a childcare onsite where I had to look after an average of 3 kids at a time (from 2 months to 9 years old). I'm currently working on a part time basis in a jewellery store but I really miss having kids around so I'd love to work a few hours as a babysitter whenever is possible. I have a first aid training and I can provide references of my previous jobs.
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From £8 per hour \
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Childcare in Butetown

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