Childcare in Oldcastle

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Doreen L.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Oldcastle
Child minder or nanny
| I am a registered learning disabilities mental health nurse.Completed level 3child care and registering with CSSIW. I have certificates in child life support, food hygiene, child protection and crb checked.I am a very experienced child care provider. I provide nurturing care and focus on developing your child's potential. My transport is business insurance covered and has 7 seats. I am happy to provide meals and transport for the children I care for. I have cared for my three grandchildren since birth and they are now 8, 9 and 12 years old. I pick up and take to primary school. Currently I am looking for a child or siblings pre school to child mind.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Oldcastle
Child minder or nanny
| I am a registered learning disabilities mental health nurse.Completed level 3child care and registering with CSSIW. I have certificates in child life support, food hygiene, child protection and crb checked.I am a very experienced child care provider. I provide nurturing care and focus on developing your child's potential. My transport is business insurance covered and has 7 seats. I am happy to provide meals and transport for the children I care for. I have cared for my three grandchildren since birth and they are now 8, 9 and 12 years old. I pick up and take to primary school. Currently I am looking for a child or siblings pre school to child mind.
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From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Oldcastle

When do you need childcare?