Childcare in Denny and Banknock

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Ceilidh E.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Denny and Banknock
A fun and outgoing carer who provides the best care specific to a child's needs.
| I have developed various skills throughout my two years of being a qualified childcare provider. I am currently on the supply list for Stirling council services, meaning i work in various nurseries when a staff member is absent. I have had work experience in two placements during my qualification and had the chance to to go to France and work in a french nursery to gain new knowledge and skills that improved myself. I am an outgoing and energetic person and i am up for doing anything. I have a good experience with children of all ages due to my supply job. I have also had the opportunity to work in out of school care from children in primary 1 to primary 7. I am currently a student at Stirling University studying psychology and going into my third year in September. I love dancing and singing and i am the current president of the dance team at the University. I have gained skills in other areas from previous jobs such as a waiter and counter customer assistant (pizza counter at Tesco). Please don't hesitate to give me a message or if you would like me to foreword you my CV.
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  • From £12 /hr
  • Denny and Banknock
A fun and outgoing carer who provides the best care specific to a child's needs.
| I have developed various skills throughout my two years of being a qualified childcare provider. I am currently on the supply list for Stirling council services, meaning i work in various nurseries when a staff member is absent. I have had work experience in two placements during my qualification and had the chance to to go to France and work in a french nursery to gain new knowledge and skills that improved myself. I am an outgoing and energetic person and i am up for doing anything. I have a good experience with children of all ages due to my supply job. I have also had the opportunity to work in out of school care from children in primary 1 to primary 7. I am currently a student at Stirling University studying psychology and going into my third year in September. I love dancing and singing and i am the current president of the dance team at the University. I have gained skills in other areas from previous jobs such as a waiter and counter customer assistant (pizza counter at Tesco). Please don't hesitate to give me a message or if you would like me to foreword you my CV.
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From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in Denny and Banknock

When do you need childcare?