zoey , reliable, friendly looking for childcare jobs
Im extremely reliable and a trustworthy worker and babysitter. I learn easily and quickly and can adjust to routines and changes. I have had two part time jobs in the past. The first job being a waitress in a golf club. I washed and cleaned generally. I took orders and was able to communicate customers wants. This included skills like, social skills and overall communication as well as observation skills. The other job I had was in babysitting where I looked after 5 different children which consisted of me supervising them, feeding them giving them baths and communicating with parents about boundaries and their child. I reported any harm and hazards that I saw. Im non judgmental and understanding of what is asked of me. I kept to the hours and this taught me a great deal. this is helpful and useful as i'm able to provide housekeeping to a standard whilst babysitting.
I have work experience in a local nursery in my town where I supervised children with other workers, made and served food. Played with the children and I communicated any safeguarding issues and any accidents the children might have had. i also have my GCSE’s in math's, English, sciences, art and drama.
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