Hello! My name is Amy.
Hello! I am 19 years old. Young, I know. However, I have three younger siblings, ages 13, 10, and 5, and I often take care of them while my parents are absent. I had done occasional babysitting for close friends during secondary school, either helping with an after school activity or a simple pick up and or drop off.
My youngest brother, who is five, is getting additional attention from Early Help due to showing signs of autism and emotional issues. In regards of this, I have gone out of my way to do my own research to further help my understanding and how to deal with emotional distress, understanding and regulating emotions and autism. Every child should get the same care and no one should be excluded just because of a disability.
I love children and believe every child should get the proper care they need and I am more than happy to provide that.
I love reading and writing, art and classic movies, music. I have a passion for baking and drawing, and I enjoy finding the joys in life. A lot of people have said I have a sense of childlike play and fun which makes it easier for me to connect with younger peers.
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