Math Tutors in Bradford

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Daniel Y.
1 Verification
  • From $45 /hr
  • Bradford
1 Verification
Math tutor for high school and post-secondary
| I am a third year applied math major at UWaterloo. I have been tutoring high school math since I was in grade 10. I've now been tutoring elementary, high school and first and second year university math courses. Experience in tutoring Calculus I and II, Probability, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Math. Outside of school I enjoy playing soccer and chess.
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  • From $45 /hr
  • Bradford
Math tutor for high school and post-secondary
| I am a third year applied math major at UWaterloo. I have been tutoring high school math since I was in grade 10. I've now been tutoring elementary, high school and first and second year university math courses. Experience in tutoring Calculus I and II, Probability, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Math. Outside of school I enjoy playing soccer and chess.
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From $45 per hour \
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Math Tutors in Bradford

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