Tutors in Georgetown

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Jessica B.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Georgetown
Teacher Candidate at the Brock University in Hamilton
| I just finished my practicum with a grade 5 and 6 classroom focusing on teaching Language Arts, Social Studies and Health. I'm looking for a tutoring position to continue to learn the Ontario Curriculum while building confidence in your child's learning. As well as, I've volunteered in a school where I worked one-on-one with both kindergarten and grade 1's to help them with specific work that each student needed assistance with.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Georgetown
Teacher Candidate at the Brock University in Hamilton
| I just finished my practicum with a grade 5 and 6 classroom focusing on teaching Language Arts, Social Studies and Health. I'm looking for a tutoring position to continue to learn the Ontario Curriculum while building confidence in your child's learning. As well as, I've volunteered in a school where I worked one-on-one with both kindergarten and grade 1's to help them with specific work that each student needed assistance with.
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From $14 per hour \
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Tutors in Georgetown

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