French Tutors in St Catharines

Select from 29 French tutors near you.

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Marcel B.
  • From $20 /hr
  • St Catharines
Able to teach French and english
| Ive been bilingual my entire life fully speaking French and English fluently, the approach I have to teaching French is having the student show me pictures or pointing at what it is they are trying to learn and I can say help them sound it out in either French or English whichever they are trying to learn..
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  • From $20 /hr
  • St Catharines
Able to teach French and english
| Ive been bilingual my entire life fully speaking French and English fluently, the approach I have to teaching French is having the student show me pictures or pointing at what it is they are trying to learn and I can say help them sound it out in either French or English whichever they are trying to learn..
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From $20 per hour \
Cassandra F.
  • From $14 /hr
  • St Catharines
Ambitious French as a second language University student
| Hi! I am a 3rd year university student in French studies. I took my first 2 years at the University of Ottawa and will be continuing my studies at Brock University. Living in a bilingual city for 2 years gave me the opportunity to improve as I had to speak in my second language on a day-to-day basis. I am fluent in French as I have been in French immersion since pre-school. I have always been an honour roll student. My goal is to become a French teacher and this would be great experience for me. In school, I have always been the person my peers looked up to for help in language studies. I strive to be the best I can be and I love helping people do the same.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • St Catharines
Ambitious French as a second language University student
| Hi! I am a 3rd year university student in French studies. I took my first 2 years at the University of Ottawa and will be continuing my studies at Brock University. Living in a bilingual city for 2 years gave me the opportunity to improve as I had to speak in my second language on a day-to-day basis. I am fluent in French as I have been in French immersion since pre-school. I have always been an honour roll student. My goal is to become a French teacher and this would be great experience for me. In school, I have always been the person my peers looked up to for help in language studies. I strive to be the best I can be and I love helping people do the same.
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From $14 per hour \
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French Tutors in St Catharines

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