Tutors in Cornwall

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Julie V.
1 Verification
  • From $50 /hr
  • Cornwall
1 Verification
LANGUAGE TUTOR (French, French Second Language, English)
| I’m a retired French Second Language elementary school teacher with 30 years experience. I can do remedial with students or teach them something new. I can help with reading, writing or oral in French Second Language. I can also provide these same services in English. I can help children who are being followed by a speech pathologist with articulation of phonemes. Provided permission by the parents, I reach out to the child’s teacher to see if they have an IEP and to plan my lessons according to what they need to improve.I am available to tutor sessions of 30 minutes as well for $30.00. One hour sessions are $50.00.
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  • From $50 /hr
  • Cornwall
LANGUAGE TUTOR (French, French Second Language, English)
| I’m a retired French Second Language elementary school teacher with 30 years experience. I can do remedial with students or teach them something new. I can help with reading, writing or oral in French Second Language. I can also provide these same services in English. I can help children who are being followed by a speech pathologist with articulation of phonemes. Provided permission by the parents, I reach out to the child’s teacher to see if they have an IEP and to plan my lessons according to what they need to improve.I am available to tutor sessions of 30 minutes as well for $30.00. One hour sessions are $50.00.
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From $50 per hour \
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Tutors in Cornwall

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