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I graduated from Loyalist College with my DSW diploma in June 2021. I have been doing family respite since February 2021, working with an individual with rare needs. I help out with typical house work and errands, as well as watching the other children in the family!
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From $16
1 years experience
Age: 23
Family Support Worker
I graduated from Loyalist College with my DSW diploma in June 2021. I have been doing family respite since February 2021, working with an individual with rare needs. I help out with typical house work and errands, as well as watching the other children in the family!
Providing Private PSW Care and Respite Relief
Services in Hastings and Prince Edward County.
Hey there!
Thanks for stopping by my profile. My name is Rachel and I am the sole proprietor & provider of care.
>>Flexibility: I have a very accommodating schedule that can be tailored to the specific needs of the person receiving care and the familys’ support requests.
>>Reliability: A consistent PSW that serves the person receiving care benefits by building a special rapport and trust with me. The family will also experience the same benefits, as well as being able to have respite for themselves.
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From $30
10 years experience
Providing Private PSW Care and Respite Relief
Services in Hastings and Prince Edward County.
Hey there!
Thanks for stopping by my profile. My name is Rachel and I am the sole proprietor & provider of care.
>>Flexibility: I have a very accommodating schedule that can be tailored to the specific needs of the person receiving care and the familys’ support requests.
>>Reliability: A consistent PSW that serves the person receiving care benefits by building a special rapport and trust with me. The family will also experience the same benefits, as well as being able to have respite for themselves.
I knew when I was a teenager that I wanted to work adolescents. I became a Child and Youth Worker to help support families and youth in every aspect of their lives. I also have personal experience with autism and ADHD. My niece and nephew whom I take care of regularly.
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From $20
2 years experience
Age: 31
Child and Youth Worker eager to help!
I knew when I was a teenager that I wanted to work adolescents. I became a Child and Youth Worker to help support families and youth in every aspect of their lives. I also have personal experience with autism and ADHD. My niece and nephew whom I take care of regularly.