Special Needs Care in Castleton

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Alexandra C.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Castleton
1 Verification
All children deserve to be cared for and all parents deserve a break.
| I am a Developmental Services Worker currently working as an Educational Assistant with the District School Board as well as providing respite care to multiple individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I have more than 9 years experience working in a school and classroom setting as well as working in residential settings and community programs. I have had the opportunity to work collaboratively to support children and youth by promoting appropriate communication and social skills. I work to identify, design and deliver programming to students in specific areas of need. I have effectively supported the academic, social, emotional, and behavioural needs for students in all different learning situations. I possess the ability to provide leadership and direction to achieve good communication through work with community resources and staff. I am a very committed and responsible employee and I believe that I would be a fantastic fit for your organization. I have years of experience planning, organizing and running a summer school/camp program for the Down Syndrome Association of Peterborough, as well as years of volunteer work with day/summer camps.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Castleton
All children deserve to be cared for and all parents deserve a break.
| I am a Developmental Services Worker currently working as an Educational Assistant with the District School Board as well as providing respite care to multiple individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I have more than 9 years experience working in a school and classroom setting as well as working in residential settings and community programs. I have had the opportunity to work collaboratively to support children and youth by promoting appropriate communication and social skills. I work to identify, design and deliver programming to students in specific areas of need. I have effectively supported the academic, social, emotional, and behavioural needs for students in all different learning situations. I possess the ability to provide leadership and direction to achieve good communication through work with community resources and staff. I am a very committed and responsible employee and I believe that I would be a fantastic fit for your organization. I have years of experience planning, organizing and running a summer school/camp program for the Down Syndrome Association of Peterborough, as well as years of volunteer work with day/summer camps.
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From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Castleton

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