Special Needs Care in Port Moody

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Kathy D.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Port Moody
Provided medical and general care (ADL) to clients ranging from newborn to elderly palliative care.
| I am retired from a full-time position as a licensed practical nurse in an acute care hospital. Have recently completed a 3 year full time position caring for a 3 year old and then including a 6 month old baby. The employer is now staying at home to care for her children. I'm now seeking further employment, preferably in a nursing capacity.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Port Moody
Provided medical and general care (ADL) to clients ranging from newborn to elderly palliative care.
| I am retired from a full-time position as a licensed practical nurse in an acute care hospital. Have recently completed a 3 year full time position caring for a 3 year old and then including a 6 month old baby. The employer is now staying at home to care for her children. I'm now seeking further employment, preferably in a nursing capacity.
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From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Port Moody

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