Special Needs Care in Lefroy

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Emma A.
  • From $10 /hr
  • Lefroy
I am looking for regular as well as emergency clients in the Barrie and surrounding areas. I am able to provide my website address so you can see what services I offer. I also do grocery deliveries and drive to appointments even from Barrie to Toronto. I have experience working with developmental delays in children, Red Cross and in long term care.
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  • From $10 /hr
  • Lefroy
I am looking for regular as well as emergency clients in the Barrie and surrounding areas. I am able to provide my website address so you can see what services I offer. I also do grocery deliveries and drive to appointments even from Barrie to Toronto. I have experience working with developmental delays in children, Red Cross and in long term care.
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From $10 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Lefroy

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