Child Care in Lefroy

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Niki S.
Hired once
  • From $15 /hr
  • Lefroy
Hired once
I am compassionate interactive individuals and carry myself with enthusiasm and class.
| Hi there! I have experience working with children of all ages from 6 months to 14 years old. I have great up to date references and would love to touch base to discuss expectations further. I have my first aid training and police check up to date. I love animals and enjoy outdoor activities, play dates and reading. I have worked in 3 different primary schools and taught students as I was completing my Bachelor of Education. I was a student teacher as well a mentor and a special needs helper. In addition, I have experience with shift working families and am able to adapt times and dates as they change.
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Lefroy
I am compassionate interactive individuals and carry myself with enthusiasm and class.
| Hi there! I have experience working with children of all ages from 6 months to 14 years old. I have great up to date references and would love to touch base to discuss expectations further. I have my first aid training and police check up to date. I love animals and enjoy outdoor activities, play dates and reading. I have worked in 3 different primary schools and taught students as I was completing my Bachelor of Education. I was a student teacher as well a mentor and a special needs helper. In addition, I have experience with shift working families and am able to adapt times and dates as they change.
... more
From $15 per hour \
Emma A.
  • From $10 /hr
  • Lefroy
I provide child care in my home or in yours on an on call and occasional basis. I can work well for someone who needs occasional care as I work part time myself.
... more
  • From $10 /hr
  • Lefroy
I provide child care in my home or in yours on an on call and occasional basis. I can work well for someone who needs occasional care as I work part time myself.
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From $10 per hour \
Sarah D.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Lefroy
Caring, Qualified, Care giver available
| I currently work as a supply teacher a couple times a month doing before and after school care in innisfil. Not only have I worked in a school setting, but I have also been employed by various group homes in the past for children with special needs. I also currently have my up to date CPR/First aid/NVCI training.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Lefroy
Caring, Qualified, Care giver available
| I currently work as a supply teacher a couple times a month doing before and after school care in innisfil. Not only have I worked in a school setting, but I have also been employed by various group homes in the past for children with special needs. I also currently have my up to date CPR/First aid/NVCI training.
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Child Care in Lefroy

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