Child Care in Midhurst

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Gracie G.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Midhurst
1 Verification
I'm Gracie , a third-year Queen's student, seeking a summer nanny position in the Barrie area.
| I am a positive, independent, and empathetic 20-year-old with a lifelong passion for childcare. My experience began in elementary school when I cared for a toddler before school, ensuring we were both ready and on the bus each morning. This relationship continued throughout high school and beyond, as I frequently babysat for the family and their friends. In high school, I taught ballet and tap to children ages 3-8 every weekend, gaining valuable skills in managing groups, adapting communication styles, and keeping young children engaged. This role strengthened my patience, leadership, and ability to think on my feet. More recently, my internship has allowed me to create educational content for young children and integrate it into day-camp programs. These experiences have deepened my understanding of child development and reinforced my passion for fostering supportive, engaging environments where kids can learn and grow. I am excited to continue building these skills and making a positive impact.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Midhurst
I'm Gracie , a third-year Queen's student, seeking a summer nanny position in the Barrie area.
| I am a positive, independent, and empathetic 20-year-old with a lifelong passion for childcare. My experience began in elementary school when I cared for a toddler before school, ensuring we were both ready and on the bus each morning. This relationship continued throughout high school and beyond, as I frequently babysat for the family and their friends. In high school, I taught ballet and tap to children ages 3-8 every weekend, gaining valuable skills in managing groups, adapting communication styles, and keeping young children engaged. This role strengthened my patience, leadership, and ability to think on my feet. More recently, my internship has allowed me to create educational content for young children and integrate it into day-camp programs. These experiences have deepened my understanding of child development and reinforced my passion for fostering supportive, engaging environments where kids can learn and grow. I am excited to continue building these skills and making a positive impact.
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From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Midhurst

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