Special Needs Care in Innisfil

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Shelly A.
Hired 2 times
  • From $20 /hr
  • Innisfil
Hired 2 times
Early childhood educator and much more.
| I worked for CARD (Canadian Assoc Riding for the Disabled) for 2 summers. Some experience working with autistic and mentally challenged children while in collage for early childhood education. And can assist in any appointments for your children.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Innisfil
Early childhood educator and much more.
| I worked for CARD (Canadian Assoc Riding for the Disabled) for 2 summers. Some experience working with autistic and mentally challenged children while in collage for early childhood education. And can assist in any appointments for your children.
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From $20 per hour \
Jill S.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Innisfil
1 Verification
Caring, loving and safe. My clients are as important as my own family.
| My name is Jill and I have 20 years experience caring for children and 8 years working with people with special needs. I am able to provide a loving, caring and safe environment for my clients. I am opened minded and a quick thinker. I have tons of experience in adapting to each clients individual needs.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Innisfil
Caring, loving and safe. My clients are as important as my own family.
| My name is Jill and I have 20 years experience caring for children and 8 years working with people with special needs. I am able to provide a loving, caring and safe environment for my clients. I am opened minded and a quick thinker. I have tons of experience in adapting to each clients individual needs.
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From $25 per hour \
Cassidy K.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Innisfil
Nursing School Graduate
| Hi there, I recently graduated from McGill University’s nursing school. Currently I live in Innisfil L9S and I am looking for temporary work as I search for a full time hospital position. I have experience working as a PSW and a babysitter for people of all ages and abilities. Please let me know if you think we would be a good match. I would be williNg to help you search for my replacement when I am accepted into a hospital position.
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Innisfil
Nursing School Graduate
| Hi there, I recently graduated from McGill University’s nursing school. Currently I live in Innisfil L9S and I am looking for temporary work as I search for a full time hospital position. I have experience working as a PSW and a babysitter for people of all ages and abilities. Please let me know if you think we would be a good match. I would be williNg to help you search for my replacement when I am accepted into a hospital position.
... more
From $14 per hour \
Sarah G.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Innisfil
Patient, Level 2 ASL, Fun and Kind
| I was a Certified Deafblind intervenor with 10 years, supporting individuals who are deaf and blind with activities of daily living, teaching new skills, engaging in sensory activities, personal care. Prior to my job as an intervenor, I worked as a Behavioural Therapist at a centre for children with autism, providing IBI therapy.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Innisfil
Patient, Level 2 ASL, Fun and Kind
| I was a Certified Deafblind intervenor with 10 years, supporting individuals who are deaf and blind with activities of daily living, teaching new skills, engaging in sensory activities, personal care. Prior to my job as an intervenor, I worked as a Behavioural Therapist at a centre for children with autism, providing IBI therapy.
... more
From $20 per hour \
Hannah F.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Innisfil
Empathetic, Patient, Outgoing worker who loves to spend time with children!
| I am a compassionate, empathetic, and patient worker who loves to work with others and lend a helping hand. I have an enthusiastic personality with a strong sense of self management and discipline. I have shown through my volunteer experience with Special Olympics, my work experience as a Developmental Support Worker with Empower Simcoe and my current work experience tutoring children with disabilities that I am hard working and have the drive to succeed. I will graduate from the University of Western Ontario with an honours double major in Disability Studies and Leadership in April. I look forward to then attending teachers college. I love nothing more than engaging with children!
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Innisfil
Empathetic, Patient, Outgoing worker who loves to spend time with children!
| I am a compassionate, empathetic, and patient worker who loves to work with others and lend a helping hand. I have an enthusiastic personality with a strong sense of self management and discipline. I have shown through my volunteer experience with Special Olympics, my work experience as a Developmental Support Worker with Empower Simcoe and my current work experience tutoring children with disabilities that I am hard working and have the drive to succeed. I will graduate from the University of Western Ontario with an honours double major in Disability Studies and Leadership in April. I look forward to then attending teachers college. I love nothing more than engaging with children!
... more
From $20 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Innisfil is between $21 and $26
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Special Needs Care in Innisfil

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