Senior Care in Timberlea

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Fatima M.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Timberlea
1 Verification
A loving kind hearted CCA
| A Continuing care assistant and a personal support worker graduate. Handling senior and provides grooming, bathing, light housekeeping and
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Timberlea
A loving kind hearted CCA
| A Continuing care assistant and a personal support worker graduate. Handling senior and provides grooming, bathing, light housekeeping and
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From $20 per hour \
Tanisha L.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Timberlea
Compassionate Senior Caregiver: Providing Comfort and Support to Seniors
| As an individual deeply driven by compassion and a genuine care for the well-being of others, particularly the elderly, I believe I am exceptionally suited for the role of an elderly caregiver. My dedication stems from a profound sense of fulfilment I derive from assisting seniors with their daily activities, knowing that I am making a tangible difference in their lives and contributing to the greater good of humanity. Having spent considerable time helping elderly individuals navigate their daily routines, I have come to appreciate the unique wisdom and captivating stories they possess, drawn from a lifetime of experiences. These interactions not only enrich my own life but also reinforce my commitment to providing compassionate care to those in need. Furthermore, my personal connection to my own grandparents has instilled within me a deep sense of empathy and understanding for the challenges and joys that come with aging. I cherish the memories of the time spent with them, and it is these cherished moments that fuel my passion for elderly care.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Timberlea
Compassionate Senior Caregiver: Providing Comfort and Support to Seniors
| As an individual deeply driven by compassion and a genuine care for the well-being of others, particularly the elderly, I believe I am exceptionally suited for the role of an elderly caregiver. My dedication stems from a profound sense of fulfilment I derive from assisting seniors with their daily activities, knowing that I am making a tangible difference in their lives and contributing to the greater good of humanity. Having spent considerable time helping elderly individuals navigate their daily routines, I have come to appreciate the unique wisdom and captivating stories they possess, drawn from a lifetime of experiences. These interactions not only enrich my own life but also reinforce my commitment to providing compassionate care to those in need. Furthermore, my personal connection to my own grandparents has instilled within me a deep sense of empathy and understanding for the challenges and joys that come with aging. I cherish the memories of the time spent with them, and it is these cherished moments that fuel my passion for elderly care.
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From $16 per hour \
Jennifer R Lalonde
  • From $50 /hr
  • Timberlea
Experience Enhanced Health with In-Home Personal Trainer
| Imagine feeling more energetic, capable, and confident in your daily activities, and unlocking the benefits of strength training and embrace a healthier lifestyle. more active lives right from the comfort of their own homes. Are you or a loved one looking to enhance strength, prevent falls, and make everyday activities not just manageable but enjoyable? With over 4 years of experience and a solid background in nutrition, fitness and health promotion, I design personalized training programs that focus on strength building, balance, and overall well-being. In-home personal training means no travel hassles- you can workout safely in a familiar environment while enjoyable one-on-one attention and support tailored for you.
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  • From $50 /hr
  • Timberlea
Experience Enhanced Health with In-Home Personal Trainer
| Imagine feeling more energetic, capable, and confident in your daily activities, and unlocking the benefits of strength training and embrace a healthier lifestyle. more active lives right from the comfort of their own homes. Are you or a loved one looking to enhance strength, prevent falls, and make everyday activities not just manageable but enjoyable? With over 4 years of experience and a solid background in nutrition, fitness and health promotion, I design personalized training programs that focus on strength building, balance, and overall well-being. In-home personal training means no travel hassles- you can workout safely in a familiar environment while enjoyable one-on-one attention and support tailored for you.
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From $50 per hour \
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Senior Care in Timberlea

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