Providing you with compassionate and thoughtful guidance through a health-related experience.
My school experience includes a BA Degree with Honours (Geography) from Queen’s University and a college diploma in Social Service Work from St. Lawrence College. During my post-secondary schooling, I volunteered for a number of non-profit organizations including a shelters, hospice, long-term care facilities and an HIV/AIDS services center focusing on advocacy, education, and harm reduction.
In 2014, I pivoted to a culinary career that would span almost 10 years, throughout three different provinces. I also began working part-time as a care doula of sorts, as a companion to clients on outings, as an executive functioning assistant or as a cook when needed. With this, alongside my volunteer work history led me to the Death Doula course by Home Hospice Association. While in the course, I continued to take on clients as a Care Doula. As birth doulas and death doulas help/move an individual and their family through a particular life event, care doulas work with individuals and their families to understand what care means for them and to ease their life during these health-related events. I am always open and excited to learn new strategies of what works with each individual client.
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