Senior Care in Upper Tantallon

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Emma M.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Upper Tantallon
nurse assistant
| I worked with macleod’s cares company at mahone nursing home for 1.5+ years and i would say my sills would include that i have a lot of patience and compassion for my residents and i am very understanding. i’ve always been good at communicating effectively with family members, residents and other staff members. I am very detail oriented so that helps with remembering important information about the residents healthcare.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Upper Tantallon
nurse assistant
| I worked with macleod’s cares company at mahone nursing home for 1.5+ years and i would say my sills would include that i have a lot of patience and compassion for my residents and i am very understanding. i’ve always been good at communicating effectively with family members, residents and other staff members. I am very detail oriented so that helps with remembering important information about the residents healthcare.
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From $16 per hour \
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Senior Care in Upper Tantallon

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