Senior Care in Sainte-Catherine

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Nathalie D.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Sainte-Catherine
Elderly care and companionship
| Im nathalie 42 yrs old,im a family oriented person,ive been taking care of people all my life .Im married i have 1 daughter and 2 grand ########.### been a caregiver for 10 years and now im working as a PAB in jewish eldercare and going back to school for to become an LPN .And i am looking for a part time job evening for 4-5 hours montreal or brossard.thank you.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Sainte-Catherine
Elderly care and companionship
| Im nathalie 42 yrs old,im a family oriented person,ive been taking care of people all my life .Im married i have 1 daughter and 2 grand ########.### been a caregiver for 10 years and now im working as a PAB in jewish eldercare and going back to school for to become an LPN .And i am looking for a part time job evening for 4-5 hours montreal or brossard.thank you.
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From $25 per hour \
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Senior Care in Sainte-Catherine

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