Senior Care in Mercier

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Care Doves Soins Colombes Inc.
1 Verification
  • From $30 /hr
  • Mercier
1 Verification
Senior Care, Non-Senior Care. Care that Empowers YOU!
| Care Doves Soins Colombes is a home care service agency in the Montérégie region of Quebec, Canada. We are privately owned and operated, and we specialize in the care of seniors, non-seniors, and individuals with special needs. We match the needs of our clients with the skills of our caregivers and personal support workers. We strive to provide care that empowers you. We visit you in your home thus reducing the need for repeated travel to a care facility. By designing a care plan that is unique for you, we are able to address your specific needs. Upon request, we can also provide care to clients who are already in care facilities; we keep them company, assist them with personal care, and do our best to make their lives more meaningful. Ultimately, this promotes the best possible quality of life for our clients.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Mercier
Senior Care, Non-Senior Care. Care that Empowers YOU!
| Care Doves Soins Colombes is a home care service agency in the Montérégie region of Quebec, Canada. We are privately owned and operated, and we specialize in the care of seniors, non-seniors, and individuals with special needs. We match the needs of our clients with the skills of our caregivers and personal support workers. We strive to provide care that empowers you. We visit you in your home thus reducing the need for repeated travel to a care facility. By designing a care plan that is unique for you, we are able to address your specific needs. Upon request, we can also provide care to clients who are already in care facilities; we keep them company, assist them with personal care, and do our best to make their lives more meaningful. Ultimately, this promotes the best possible quality of life for our clients.
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From $30 per hour \
Alessandra R.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Mercier
1 Verification
Involved Daughter to an Elderly Mom
| Hi, my name is Alessandra. I am an empathetic, trustworthy, sociable woman who can help you in your daily tasks. I am a good listener who can relate to an older person's needs. I enjoy being in nature. Lets have a cup of tea together.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Mercier
Involved Daughter to an Elderly Mom
| Hi, my name is Alessandra. I am an empathetic, trustworthy, sociable woman who can help you in your daily tasks. I am a good listener who can relate to an older person's needs. I enjoy being in nature. Lets have a cup of tea together.
... more
From $17 per hour \
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Senior Care in Mercier

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