Honestly, I appreciate to Care of people.
Of course, I know how bather, feed, dress, clean a house (very well), cook (Brazilian and Portuguese food), give medications and monitor signs of disease risk, since I have the defect of been a veterinarian and course of SBL and PCR included first aid.
In addition, in my 54 years of life, I have taken care of my grandparents, parents, uncles, friends and even employers, and many patients, convalescent and needy.
Think with me, does what were the best and happiest years of their lives? What did they doing? What did they like to do? What did they appreciate when you did it for them? What did they dream of doing when they were their age or today? What did they like to talk about? What songs, movies, books or landscapes? What places want dos they to meet, before to go? and much, much more ..
At first you do not have to hire me, you can invite me (Au Pair) to spend a few days with your parents, when we can meet and plan our life together for a few months or years. And if we get along in those few days, then yes, you could talk about work.
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