Child Care in Port Alberni

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Karma C.
1 Verification
  • From $11 /hr
  • Port Alberni
1 Verification
Kind, patient, loving, fun, educated as a professional assistant
| I have been babysitting since I was 12 years old, only for family at the time, I’m currently in my second semester of Early childhood care and education training, I have one practicum done and am currently applying for my assistant status to help gain more work in child care centres.
... more
  • From $11 /hr
  • Port Alberni
Kind, patient, loving, fun, educated as a professional assistant
| I have been babysitting since I was 12 years old, only for family at the time, I’m currently in my second semester of Early childhood care and education training, I have one practicum done and am currently applying for my assistant status to help gain more work in child care centres.
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From $11 per hour \
Sharlee P.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Port Alberni
1 Verification
Experienced, Educated, & Passionate about providing a service that makes your life easier!
| Over 5 years experience as one of the lead youth workers for Tsawwassen First Nation. College graduate, receiving my CSYW (Community Support Youth Worker) Diploma presenting high achievements. More importantly, I have successfully, and proudly created a very respected reputation amongst the children, youth, and families of TFN as a very trustworthy and dedicated community member and support worker.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Port Alberni
Experienced, Educated, & Passionate about providing a service that makes your life easier!
| Over 5 years experience as one of the lead youth workers for Tsawwassen First Nation. College graduate, receiving my CSYW (Community Support Youth Worker) Diploma presenting high achievements. More importantly, I have successfully, and proudly created a very respected reputation amongst the children, youth, and families of TFN as a very trustworthy and dedicated community member and support worker.
... more
From $20 per hour \
Miracle O.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Port Alberni
1 Verification
I am someone who is dependable and trustworthy.
| I am extremely patient, highly responsible, smart and most of all; caring. I was a student at the University of Toronto and I was in the middle of transferring into a notating program. I now study Psychology at Carleton University and I am set to graduate by June 2023. I have linguistic skills, dance talent, morals and manners, and I won’t be doing this just for the the money. I will take of the child(ren) because I want the best for any child no matter the race or age or any other thing that might play factor in why the should be treated differently according to today’s society. I am different. I look forward to working with you.
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Port Alberni
I am someone who is dependable and trustworthy.
| I am extremely patient, highly responsible, smart and most of all; caring. I was a student at the University of Toronto and I was in the middle of transferring into a notating program. I now study Psychology at Carleton University and I am set to graduate by June 2023. I have linguistic skills, dance talent, morals and manners, and I won’t be doing this just for the the money. I will take of the child(ren) because I want the best for any child no matter the race or age or any other thing that might play factor in why the should be treated differently according to today’s society. I am different. I look forward to working with you.
... more
From $18 per hour \
Krystyna C.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Port Alberni
15 years experience, reliable transportation.
| I've been babysitting non-relatives for almost 15 years, I have three kids aged 9 months-6 years old. I have a reliable vehicle with 7 seats and a clean drivers abstract. Rates can be discussed by individual needs.
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Port Alberni
15 years experience, reliable transportation.
| I've been babysitting non-relatives for almost 15 years, I have three kids aged 9 months-6 years old. I have a reliable vehicle with 7 seats and a clean drivers abstract. Rates can be discussed by individual needs.
... more
From $14 per hour \
Jeanette J.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Port Alberni
Love and enjoy babies and children and will go over and above for them.
| I have started with working as a teachers aid for nursery school children, have worked on fishing boat, 25 yrs experience being a chef also have experience as a health care aide for 12 years.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Port Alberni
Love and enjoy babies and children and will go over and above for them.
| I have started with working as a teachers aid for nursery school children, have worked on fishing boat, 25 yrs experience being a chef also have experience as a health care aide for 12 years.
... more
From $25 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for child caregivers in Port Alberni is between $17 and $22
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Child Care in Port Alberni

When do you need child care?