Pet Care in Westbank

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Rachele C.
  • From $10
  • Westbank
I've always had a love for pets! I available as soon as possible.
| I have had animals since I was born. I also grew up around horses. I am a animal lover! Ask me more information :)
... more
  • From $10
  • Westbank
I've always had a love for pets! I available as soon as possible.
| I have had animals since I was born. I also grew up around horses. I am a animal lover! Ask me more information :)
... more
From $10 \
Logan B.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Westbank
1 Verification
Trustworthy and caring pet sitter
| I have a huge love for all living creatures I can provide all services to any animals ie feeding, walking, or simply watching them overnight.
... more
  • From $10
  • Westbank
Trustworthy and caring pet sitter
| I have a huge love for all living creatures I can provide all services to any animals ie feeding, walking, or simply watching them overnight.
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From $10 \
Olivia M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • West Kelowna
1 Verification
Hey! I am 26 years old and currently work at a hotel full time in Kelowna.
| I have taken care of our family pets, friends' pets, and I have also fostered cats in the past thru the SPCA. I adopted my own cat (who has special needs) about a year and a half ago, and my family has two more special needs cats. We also have two small dogs who are quite high maintenance. As a family, we have had special needs cats in the past as well, but unfortunately those cats have crossed the rainbow bridge. I really enjoy playing with our pets and taking our dogs for walks and to the park. It allows me to get outside for a bit, which is great! When I was fostering cats, I loved it so much, it made me want to adopt my own little furbaby. Having 5 furbabies in our house is definitely a handful, but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I myself am a very friendly person, always excited to meet a new cat or dog, and active.
... more
  • From $10
  • West Kelowna
Hey! I am 26 years old and currently work at a hotel full time in Kelowna.
| I have taken care of our family pets, friends' pets, and I have also fostered cats in the past thru the SPCA. I adopted my own cat (who has special needs) about a year and a half ago, and my family has two more special needs cats. We also have two small dogs who are quite high maintenance. As a family, we have had special needs cats in the past as well, but unfortunately those cats have crossed the rainbow bridge. I really enjoy playing with our pets and taking our dogs for walks and to the park. It allows me to get outside for a bit, which is great! When I was fostering cats, I loved it so much, it made me want to adopt my own little furbaby. Having 5 furbabies in our house is definitely a handful, but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I myself am a very friendly person, always excited to meet a new cat or dog, and active.
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From $10 \
Maureen O.
  • From $10
  • Westbank
Providing high level of care for your pets.
| I am actively retired. And looking to supplement my income,with someting I would love to do. I have Lots of experience with dogs over the years. My beloved mini boston terrier Ola just passed at the age of 15. I have reliable transportation and look forward to hearing from you.
... more
  • From $10
  • Westbank
Providing high level of care for your pets.
| I am actively retired. And looking to supplement my income,with someting I would love to do. I have Lots of experience with dogs over the years. My beloved mini boston terrier Ola just passed at the age of 15. I have reliable transportation and look forward to hearing from you.
... more
From $10 \
Ferth S.
  • From $25
  • Westbank
A person who loves to walk might as well bring a pet
| Hi my name is Ferth and i love pets. Honestly i dont have any experience with this kind of job but i have tried to walk my dog and i think its just the same. I Am Reliable Caring And Loving Pet Sitter
... more
  • From $25
  • Westbank
A person who loves to walk might as well bring a pet
| Hi my name is Ferth and i love pets. Honestly i dont have any experience with this kind of job but i have tried to walk my dog and i think its just the same. I Am Reliable Caring And Loving Pet Sitter
... more
From $25 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in Westbank is between $16 and $20
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Pet Care in Westbank

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