Pet Care in Peachland

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Brittany W.
  • From $10
  • Peachland
Competent energetic and experienced Pet Sitter
| I am a competitive equestrian rider and runner who adores animals of all kinds. I am energetic and love to spend my days outdoors. I can train, exercise, groom and do all chores as well as transport your animals. I live on a country property with my own dog and chickens and have worked in stables as a full time manager for several years of my life
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  • From $10
  • Peachland
Competent energetic and experienced Pet Sitter
| I am a competitive equestrian rider and runner who adores animals of all kinds. I am energetic and love to spend my days outdoors. I can train, exercise, groom and do all chores as well as transport your animals. I live on a country property with my own dog and chickens and have worked in stables as a full time manager for several years of my life
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From $10 \
Carrie K.
  • From $10
  • Peachland
Loving Pet care giver looking to care for your pet.
| I have cared for pets all my life. I treat animals like family and am intuitive with animals. I would care for your pet or animal as if it was my own. I am looking to spend time in the area pet sitting after my retirement or during vacation periods during the little bit of time I have left while working.
... more
  • From $10
  • Peachland
Loving Pet care giver looking to care for your pet.
| I have cared for pets all my life. I treat animals like family and am intuitive with animals. I would care for your pet or animal as if it was my own. I am looking to spend time in the area pet sitting after my retirement or during vacation periods during the little bit of time I have left while working.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Peachland

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