Pet Care in Wainfleet

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Rayna P.
  • From $10
  • Wainfleet
Very friendly, love all animals!
| I have cared and walked dogs every summer since I was 15. I love working with animals, and I feel I can make your animals feel very at home. From a pet owner to a pet owner, I know your animal deserves the best- and I promise I can give you the best!
... more
  • From $10
  • Wainfleet
Very friendly, love all animals!
| I have cared and walked dogs every summer since I was 15. I love working with animals, and I feel I can make your animals feel very at home. From a pet owner to a pet owner, I know your animal deserves the best- and I promise I can give you the best!
... more
From $10 \
Samantha L.
  • From $15
  • Wainfleet
Hi! My name is Sam, and I live around the Welland area in Ontario.
| Hi! I’m 18 years old and live around the Welland Ontario area. I love animals and I have cared for fish, cats, dogs, and small rodents. I love animals so so much, I have 3 cats of my own and they are just so fun to have around and care for!
... more
  • From $15
  • Wainfleet
Hi! My name is Sam, and I live around the Welland area in Ontario.
| Hi! I’m 18 years old and live around the Welland Ontario area. I love animals and I have cared for fish, cats, dogs, and small rodents. I love animals so so much, I have 3 cats of my own and they are just so fun to have around and care for!
... more
From $15 \
Tima D.
1 Verification
  • From $25
  • Wainfleet
1 Verification
I enjoy animals and was raise on a farm with several and have rescued and rehomed many also.
| I have had all types/sizes of dogs and currently live a country property in Wainfleet with 2@ 9 month Dachshund mix pups & a 8 yr old terrier plus 2 cats. I feed and exercise them daily playing in 1 acre yard.
... more
  • From $25
  • Wainfleet
I enjoy animals and was raise on a farm with several and have rescued and rehomed many also.
| I have had all types/sizes of dogs and currently live a country property in Wainfleet with 2@ 9 month Dachshund mix pups & a 8 yr old terrier plus 2 cats. I feed and exercise them daily playing in 1 acre yard.
... more
From $25 \
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Pet Care in Wainfleet

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